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KILI CLIMB 4 KIDS: June 16-24, 2015

GOAL: Raise $150,000 to fight child slavery

Every year, approximately 85 million children are sold or trafficked into dangerous, degrading jobs under conditions that no one, especially a child, should have to endure.
This June, our goal is to raise $150,000 to fight child slavery. By partnering with Charity Challenge, Team World Vision has assembled a group of ambassadors which includes WSI’s very own co-founder, Dan Monaghan. Together, the team will climb all 5,895 metres of mount Kilimanjaro to stand on the roof of Africa’s tallest mountain to raise awareness of the No Child for Sale campaign. A daunting physical challenge, they need your support to make it happen.
By taking on this challenge, we will not only help raise awareness of child slavery, we will also raise donations for the Women and Girls in Crisis Fund. You’re your contribution will help provide education, skills training and counselling to women and girls facing domestic abuse, forced marriage or other forms of exploitation.

How to donate today:

Text CLIMB to 45678 to donate $5

For additional ways to donate, visit: http://www.worldvision.ca/getinvolved/team-world-vision/Pages/Kili-Climb-for-Kids.aspx

Follow the Journey: #KILICLIMB4KIDS

Keep up with Team World Vision, WSI’s Dan Monaghan and his fellow team members as they embark on the trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.